Life in Aussie

People used to say that even when things change, something will always stay the same. I do suppose that living here does prove it a little. However, the feeling of nostalgic does not go away easily, I do miss home...The laughter...The food...The Internet...The People especially

Well, I failed to get online properly yesterday due to technical issues which I don't want to think about it anymore.

Recap of the...Amazing Race
Since it's a photography contest...I figured some picture would be appropriate

Clock Towers of Melbourne...
Oh and...We obviously can't forget the...

The crews of course...Me and my very well capable leader.

Our very own Femme Fatale

Note to self: I sincerely hope she would never ever read this.

Flinder's Street Station.
One of the well known landmark of the place.

The 2nd most important person in our team: the Navigator and the cameraman.(which is why he's not in most picture).

Controversies aside...Behind is the IMAX theater.
The photocopied photo is extremely hard to read in this one...

To be continued with

One is missing, oh well

Left to right: Galuh, Yours Truly, Our Guardian(clearly, I forgot how to spell her name),Jojo and Andrew.


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