Something is really really wrong with sister...
I have never seen her argue with mum but she actually quarreled during breakfast...
Strange things seems to have happened...
What is going one...?
My heart is feeling weaker these days... Voices of a person... or a thing... looking for me...
I want to answer it...
"Hello, you are...?" Ah...ugh...
"Is it just me, or is Dan avoiding Chelsea, I think I saw him pushing her away and
What the Hell!
I swear that I saw Dan wearing a nerdy and geeky spectacles yesterday.
What is he doing with that!? I think he's turning gay too, like...
He moves around like a chick and his voice...is... pitched.
That's not all, he suddenly pays attention in class.
The look on Mr. Claudi's face was as if he saw an angel descended on him when Dan answered his question.
Apparently, I got scolded by him for smoking too. Weird, he doesn't care about such things last time.
He won't even go clubbing these days..."
"If that's not odd enough, that...nerdy girl... Jane is it? She suddenly came talking to me as if like we known each other for years".

What the Hell!
I swear that I saw Dan wearing a nerdy and geeky spectacles yesterday.
What is he doing with that!? I think he's turning gay too, like...
He moves around like a chick and his voice...is... pitched.
That's not all, he suddenly pays attention in class.
The look on Mr. Claudi's face was as if he saw an angel descended on him when Dan answered his question.
Apparently, I got scolded by him for smoking too. Weird, he doesn't care about such things last time.
He won't even go clubbing these days..."
"If that's not odd enough, that...nerdy girl... Jane is it? She suddenly came talking to me as if like we known each other for years".

WHAT is hell is with DAN!?
He was running away from me like I was the plague when I called for him yesterday.
I think he ran even faster when I called "HONEY~"...
He doesn't answer my call anymore, refuse to reply my text.
Ugh!!!... I am so pissed!
Not only that, he doesn't remember things anymore...
Like...like... which club we used to go and like...I don't know...stuffs.
The only time he spoke to me was when that nerdy, weird a.k.a L.a.m.e. girl Jane walked past us.
But all the while, he was staring at her. What's so good about that girl anyway!
And I can't believe that HE lectured me like for hours when I even suggested skipping class.
We used to do that all the time, What's wrong with that!?

He was running away from me like I was the plague when I called for him yesterday.
I think he ran even faster when I called "HONEY~"...
He doesn't answer my call anymore, refuse to reply my text.
Ugh!!!... I am so pissed!
Not only that, he doesn't remember things anymore...
Like...like... which club we used to go and like...I don't know...stuffs.
The only time he spoke to me was when that nerdy, weird a.k.a L.a.m.e. girl Jane walked past us.
But all the while, he was staring at her. What's so good about that girl anyway!
And I can't believe that HE lectured me like for hours when I even suggested skipping class.
We used to do that all the time, What's wrong with that!?

Rich people life just isn't for me...
I guess being rich does get you spoiled sooner or later...
Maybe...just maybe... its just the Pride?

I guess being rich does get you spoiled sooner or later...
Maybe...just maybe... its just the Pride?

Next : Where it all ends... or does it...
Drama : Epilogue.
I bet none of these things make much sense huh?
Maybe after Friday
Things will make weeny more sense.
Drama : Epilogue.
I bet none of these things make much sense huh?
Maybe after Friday
Things will make weeny more sense.

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