Life in Aussie

People used to say that even when things change, something will always stay the same. I do suppose that living here does prove it a little. However, the feeling of nostalgic does not go away easily, I do miss home...The laughter...The food...The Internet...The People especially

Its been so long since I have interesting things to post,
or rather interesting things that I CAN post...

But now that everything is full of tension here...

Posting any sensitive issue would be foolish...
Not posting would not be nice isn't it?

However, such issues are still too sensitive to be discussed openly,
Things have not cool down yet and certain things have erupted even worse...

In the mean time,
Let's look at the characters perhaps would be widely known,
Maybe or not they are also the characters of the "play"
Neither of them really has joke elements though..(sadly).

Now...I know the 7 Sins is meant to be the sins of men...
But if we are not sinner...we are not human.
Do not Misunderstand ... such are not evil in my opinion,
It's part of life.

Take a guess at the following then,
(Hints are below the pics...if you can understand)

Envy,Stirred up the house with just his hands and mouth,
One can only wonder how far his faith would bring him in his year here...
Where Envy lies...The feeling of depression follows.
Such however is not a fault, just pure annoyance.

Even with friends, being honest does not essentially be a part of the life.
Open your mind ... Then perhaps our view of you may change.
Admitting requires courage, seek it out then.
Feeling is not a weakness, let it lead on your life.

Time is human kind's most finite resource...
Laziness has no place in our short lives,
Live on well, laziness can be allowed to drag you on for a distance...
Its time to leave "it" behind.


I am sorry but I ran out of idea who to put ... XD.
*ahem* let's move on...

I doubt anyone can guess who this is...
But perhaps recent incidents are good indicators.

Proud to be living, proud to be you.
I do admire that side of you...
However, proud and ego are only separated by a fine line.
And neither must be fed often.

Greed for both knowledge and news is too a problematic matter,
Perhaps such have taken one step too far into the "drama"...
However, the hunger for it is insatiable...
Yellow is soo...ugh..

this is not a sin but it suffers worse than one...
I trust nobody would even need to guess who this is...
(Explicit hint: What is the characteristic of

Due to Popular (mis)conceptions,
I decided to add another 2 more pictures to the list,

Describing this would get me killed, but (most) people got this first impression to be
the supposedly

And thus,
Certain complains have said that I "neglected someone,
I didn't really...It just require a little more effort that's
I present to you the
of the sins in AH.

Oh and try relating those to recent events... except a few...well.

I will never ever post the answers...
Till the drama ends~
Have fun


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