Life in Aussie

People used to say that even when things change, something will always stay the same. I do suppose that living here does prove it a little. However, the feeling of nostalgic does not go away easily, I do miss home...The laughter...The food...The Internet...The People especially

I promised I will finish my greetings here...

So henceforth,

Lets recap...

Your good Roomie decided to get you gloves and scarf on Sunday...Yea, that's the reason you have to suffer starvation, it's for your sake.

Do You Think He Got It?


He decided it lacks of something more private and decided to get you :

SpongeBob Square Boxers!

Yup...That's your considerate Roomie...
P/s: Take care of your boxers, these is gonna cause uproar in the laundry room...

This is aftermath...

I suppose the during part is nothing "unexpected" happened...Other than Mochi(?) decided to Wish You Happy Birthday!

Last but not least,
Hope you enjoy What We Have Prepared For You...

You are always a great friend,
One to rely on, always
Understanding and caring...

Realise the fact that,
Of all thing we have done for others,
Consider this the best and...

Keep those creams off your jacket!!

  • Plan A: Failed (Thanks to Darrel missing the cake)
  • Plan B: Failed (Failure to hit a sleeping target...6 a.m. in the morning)
  • Resulting Epic Failure.
  • Too Depressing to post any pictures on it...
Mission Failed...
(we'll get you some day...)


Ahahaha. both plans failed. was soooo epic >_>
need a better marksman next time

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