Life in Aussie

People used to say that even when things change, something will always stay the same. I do suppose that living here does prove it a little. However, the feeling of nostalgic does not go away easily, I do miss home...The laughter...The food...The Internet...The People especially

Today...we talk about literature...Why is literature important?

Seriously though...don't ask me...I won't know how to answer that even though my lecturer continue to I mean explain to us why is it so important.

After that was Maths 2. The teacher is wicked funny... Let's start with..a joke

What does 0 tell the 8?
Leave a shout to the answer.

Aside from cracking jokes...he does teaching quite well...I started to love maths for a change until...

Happily running back to my of my housemate says "Let's go do Maths 1 that can enjoy the weekend!"

Feeling confident after maths 2 lecture...of course we all go.

Start work...(Hmm..this looked like add.maths...oh wait a min...factorise cubic? uh oh)

Omg...(how many more questions dude?...what the...Pascal's sure we still in Maths 1?)

Phew...finally done...or...are we?

(Sight of people doing the same work in the dining area fills the landscape)


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