Life in Aussie

People used to say that even when things change, something will always stay the same. I do suppose that living here does prove it a little. However, the feeling of nostalgic does not go away easily, I do miss home...The laughter...The food...The Internet...The People especially

Most of you back in Msia would probably have read or going to read about an accident involving 5 teenagers on the highway

The car was speeding at 180km/h (Yes...that fast)
A collision caused 2 passenger in the rear seat to be hurled out of the car.
1 Died on the spot...
1 Died on the way to the hospital...

I have no direct link neither I know either of them but 1 of my housemate here is a friend of the 2 which have died...Both are only 16.

I posted this as a fair advice...please don't go speeding that fast ever and please fasten your rear seat belts.

My Condolence,
Lone Strider...


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